Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Satellite Solverde Season 5

Finished 586th out of 825... lost going all-in pre-flop with KK vs 77, all was good until the river, then a 7 hit the table...
is it me or does Poker Stars always fucks you up in the river?

Monday, April 27, 2009

Campeão de Torneios

once again an terrible performance... lost most chips stupidly and ended up 136th out of 1764, this is beggining to suck

About me

well, i never really introduced myself, im Zdan, born in august 1977 in Portugal and i suck at poker...
my favourite hand is KQ suited and dont ask me why... i get all excited when i get it and i never win with it.
my best result so far was a 39th place on Satellite Solverde Season 5... i cant calculate odd and outs, i get seem to understand when im being sucked dry by another player and i dont know when to stop...
at this moment im unemployed and i play around 6 hours of poker everyday, still it doesnt seem to be helping my game, i keep making dumb mistakes...
it may seem incredible but i play much better now than i did a few months ago, that was thanks to the Poker Strategy guys, really good learning spot and with a $50 reward in case you pass a quiz...
so, ive been entering alot of freeroll tournaments with no luck and im gonna now start in the ones that actually have an entry fee hoping for the best but knowing that there is no way i can make it even to the national top 500
so, this is my blog where you can follow my fall (not that i ever was up there but...), enjoy

Satellite Solverde Season 5

Another satallite today and once again my stupidity took the better of me, ended up going all-in pre-flop with 66 vs 55 and AK, as incredible as it may seem AK ended up being the worst hand since i got three of a kind and the 55 guy got flush...
ended 382th out of 753.

another Satellite Solverde Season 5 is going on today but im thinking about doing the Campeão de Torneios instead giving me an extra hour to rest... we will see

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday Private FR

Finished 407th out of 899... KQ all in lost to J9... all-in pre-flop, flop gave 6 + K + J, turn Q, river J.
again a crap all-in from me...

Satellite Solverde Season 5

Ended 39th out of 1047... went all-in pre-floop with suited AQ and lost to an AK... thats the problem with me, never wait for the perfect hand...
still, my best result ever

Tournaments previous to blog

these are the tournaments i entered previous to creating this blog, all of them are texas hold'em, the only kind i play.

Satellite for Solverde Poker Season 5
487th out of 882

Satellite for Solverde Poker Season 5
323th out of 917

Campeão de Torneios Qualifier
1057th out of 1458

Satellite for Solverde Poker Season 5
478th out of 713

EPT Freeroll
4128th out of 25000


here you will find out how bad a poker player i am and how hard i try to play better...
enjoy my fall in poker